Classification of Laws Associated with School Students (CLASS) uses two classification systems to score state-level codified laws for physical education and nutrition in schools. The scoring criteria for these systems are based on current public health research and national recommendations and standards for school physical education and nutrition.

You can use CLASS data, maps, and profiles (currently available from 2003-2022) to compare physical education and nutrition across all 50 states and the District of Columbia with national averages so you to see differences across states and changes over time.

Child tying shoe

How is CLASS Used?

CLASS monitors, classifies, and evaluates the strength of school physical education and nutritional guidelines, state by state and over time. These data help the American public examine the relationship of state laws with student health and school environment outcomes.

What types of policies are scored in CLASS?

CLASS follows statutory laws enacted by state legislatures and administrative laws carried out by state administrative agencies. These scores concern physical education/activity, food and nutrition, and body mass index.

Physical education areas:

  • Physical education (PE) class time
  • Physical activity (PA) time requirements
  • Moderate/vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in PE
  • Staffing requirements for PE
  • PE curriculum standards
  • Proficiency requirements in PE
  • Assessment of health-related fitness
  • Recess time
  • Joint use agreement for physical activity
  • PE teacher requirements

School nutrition areas:

  • Competitive entrées and snack foods, including à la carte in cafeterias, vending machines, school stores, canteens, and snack bars
  • Competitive beverages, including à la carte in cafeterias, vending machines, school stores, canteens, and snack bars
  • Coordinating, advisory, or wellness teams or councils requirements
  • Classroom parties/activities/events/practices (and exceptions)
  • School fundraiser beverage/non-entrée food/snack requirements
  • Reimbursable school meals
  • School meal environment
  • Food service director qualifications
  • Nutrition education
  • Food marketing
  • Potable water
  • Farm-to-school program requirements
  • Body mass index screening
  • Smart Snacks food and beverage requirements
Research Areas

How was CLASS developed?

CLASS was created using a conceptual framework informed by a thorough review of scientific literature, as well as expert consultations from NCI, CDC, MayaTech Corporation, and leading independent scientists.

For more information on the methodology for development of the coding system, explore our published articles or methodology page.

What makes CLASS unique?

CLASS is distinct from other school scoring systems because it captures codified law by school level, rather than informal recommendations that have not been made into law. It also uses valid and reliable empirical scoring systems based on independent coding by attorneys and analysts according to prevailing national standards for nutrition and physical education.

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